I'll also say I had little sleep this weekend, which is no one's fault but my own; though I do blame my inability to sleep if I have things to do for part of the fatigue experience.
This began on Friday, after a crazy two hours in the Blue & White office checking over articles and laughing at Kyle and Sean's antics. A friend from years past was visiting, so a bunch of us gathered at President's house, played some games, ate some soup. Then, being very intelligent, I watched Sweeney Todd with some of the girls, and stayed up until one.
The next morning, I almost got up to go shopping with one of my roommates, but I ended up staying home; however, since I was already awake at 8:30 and couldn't sleep any longer, I got up and did some work on my paper, though it sounds at the moment like I was trying to write on two different thesises. My friend came over for the afternoon. Then I went laser tagging and pizza eating and movie watching with some friends, staying up until 2am.
Sunday I had to be at Church early for praise band practice. Sunday school, then a movie in the afternoon with some friends. I did have a nap before Intramurals, which were super fun and lasted until nigh 11. Walked back home. Tried to do some homework. Stayed up on Facebook until 2.
Class this morning. Coffee before science class so I wouldn't crash and sully the name of art student in a scientific enviroment. And now, I'm kind of tired.
And needless to say, it was a very fun weekend; but not to be had more than once or twice a semester. I may go take a nap now...
By the way, this is a picture of some of our Intramural team members: Long Live the Tangerine!
Ah yes, all those other things that cry out to be done before papers... :) Isn't university fun?