Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Home Thoughts

I should really post something.

I've been back from university a few days now, and apart from my room exploding along a growing sense of the approach of death, I have no excuse for neglecting this little corner of my life.

I should explain. The car was so packed on the way home from dorm, I resolved to downsize on a grand scale. This resulted in a mass pouring out and pulling up the bits and pieces that had accumulated in my drawers and on my tabletops the past few years.  My room was a jungle, and since it has no door, my Mom had to look at it every time she wanted to get something from downstairs.  After many hours of toil I can see bits of the floor emerging in a rose cleanliness, and it feels fulfilling.  The explosion has been dealt with.

On the other hand, this sense of death - I had a dream the other night where a man told me that as long as I had lived, that was one year over half of the life I had been given.  I'm pretty sure I dreamed this because I've been thinking about life and death lately.  And I've had fearful moments of listening to the void that says my life has no purpose.  I don't know how atheists do it: I mean, if I didn't believe in God, my life would have no meaning and I would live in constant fear.  Death is real.  It's going to happen.  Maybe I shouldn't be thinking this at my age, but how could I not?  My comfort is that I have a Saviour who conquered Death with a capital 'D': eternity is in Him, and there is Life in Him.  That's all I need.

Home. It's a relief to have time to write again.  I'm working on a short story for a scholarship and started a song yesterday about my one track mind.  Research for my capstone next year on Dostoevsky is starting with Crime and Punishment.  I'm signed up for a slo-pitch league and still have no job.  Not worried though, I know something'll work out.  "Somehow it always does".

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the decluttering... :) I've been doing some of that as I try to find the baby stuff and get ready for our move at the end of the summer. Small chunks seems best!

    Good luck with the writing and the job hunting. I read The Idiot by Dostoevsky and enjoyed it; haven't tried any of his other books.
