Thursday, December 23, 2010

What to do?

My room is organized.  Laundry's done.  The sidewalk's snow-free. No baking dishes left to wash.  No odd or end to tie up or put back in place.  No short story to edit.  Nothing to do, nothing to do, nothing to DO!

...I kind of like it.

If you're anything like me (or my mom for that matter), you always need something to focus your attention on. Maybe (like me) you like to do things, put things in order and be helpful, be somewhat of use.  Maybe (also like me) you enjoy doing things so that you can avoid thinking about other things. Like essays.  And life.

Sloth is a deadly sin, but what about busyness?  It can be just as distracting from focusing on God, as I'm sure we've all heard in abundance from our teachers, family, Churchworker friends.  How many times did Jesus take a time out and go off to spend some quality time with His Father?  And after a busy bout of mission work, Jesus invites His disciples to just chill out: "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31b)  Burn out happens, no matter how self-sufficient we think ourselves. We do nothing from our own strength - it's all a gift from the One who made us and has epic plans for our lives.

Finding rest - my new quest!

In other news...
It's Bring-Your-Stuffed-Monkey-to-Work day! Can you find Coconut?

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