If you've spent any amount of time with me, you've most likely at one point seen me wear this knitted evergreen sweater with gold buttons, really baggy-like. It is my favourite sweater of all time: comfy and colourful. Ironically, I don't have a picture of myself in this much-loved piece of clothing to post here, but know that it was epic. Imagine then, how sad it was the day I discovered there were holes in it! One in the sleeve a friend of mine threatened to rip more (noooo!) and one along the back from hanging it from a hook on the back of my door.
I couldn't throw it away (though my mom had been hinting at the necessity of getting rid of such a fashion blunder from day one) so I did the only thing a child of the 90s would do: I asked Google "what should I do with my old knitted sweater?" And guess what? It answered with this page amongst many:
Inspired! So I set to work, cutting off the sleeves (to be made into stuffed animals?) and saving the front pieces so the back looked like this:
It's quite liberating to cut up clothes! I cut the back in a wide circle, using a beret I have as a guide. And then I folded the edges to the centre rim, sewing the hem of the sweater around the inside to hide the ragged edges so it looked like this:
Unfortunately, the first time around I sewed the hole too tight for my bulbous head, but the second time...
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