Sunday, March 13, 2011

**Love God Music**

I have fallen in love. With Taylor.  And since I don't know any boys named Taylor, this doesn't mean I'm going to be dating anytime soon. And goodness no, I speak not of suddenly taking a liking to the music of Taylor Swift. The Taylor I mean is one of the many fine specimens hanging out in your corner music store, the Taylor that melted my heart with the first chord. *sigh*  Never did a guitar resonate so gorgeously as that one.

God answered a prayer today, that was pretty cool.  Something small, but it's nice to know He's listening even when it doesn't feel like it.

And since I'm off Facebook during the week, Musical Thursdays'll become Musical Sundays here:  Week Three - Adele

1 comment:

  1. I especially like the guy dancing in the dust with the staff. That song is inspiring. I'm going to actually start my homework now. :)
