Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Beginning of the Blog

Little did I know that today I would be making a blog page of my very own.

I've seen them around: artists, writers, social activists- they all seem to have these blogs. I am only two of these things, though I have been called a Socialist at times by certain people who love Big Brother. I'm also not a proficient speller, so I'm glad this thing has a spell check.  Truely, though, I hope through this page to be able to improve my writing, as well entertain and inform anyone who chances upon it.

Dawn of ART of Humungous Proportions helped me in this page's construction and taught me what widgets are and how to post pictures and all that jazz - we discovered how glitchy this program, or perhaps my computer, can be.

In closing of this introductory post I wish to draw your attention to the picture to your right: and draw your own conclusions about what it means.

Well, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Yay! You've got a blog finally. Now you can grace us with your super-interesting life and thoughts. Looking forward to it!

  2. Congratulations on your new-born blog!

    -- Zach
